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Showing posts from August, 2010

Twisted Pine Brewing Company

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name…and they're always glad you came [1] . You likely recognize those lines from the theme song to the popular ‘80s sitcom, Cheers . The song describes a place that serves as both an escape from daily life and yet one that is familiar and where you are always welcome. Twisted Pine Brewery is the Cheers of Boulder, CO. When I first moved to town I remember driving East on Walnut Street and seeing what looked to be a sketchy bar in an industrial complex on the North side of the street. This assumption continued for the next two years until my good friend, Brett, invited me to join him for a beer. I saddled up next to him at the bar and commented on the Twisted Pine hat he was wearing . Wow, I thought, he must really love this place. But then Brett let me in on a little secret. Every time you come in wearing a piece of Twisted Pine gear you buy 1 beer and get the next one for free (I’m now the proud owner of both a shirt an