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Showing posts from 2020

I Wish I Had a Landline

I wish I had a landline.  For emergencies.  An answering machine might be okay too.  Covid-19 is here and we've been staying at home as much as possible for the last 3+ weeks. As a single person living alone with two cats, the loneliness, boredom, and anxiety take a toll after a while. Maybe you don't live alone, but are experiencing these feelings as well. So what do you do?  If you're like me, you easily get sucked in to your smartphone. It's hard not to. You check your email. You check your social media. You check the news. You look at your photos. You put it down. And then, 10 minutes later, you pick it up and check all those same things again. As I fell into this habit, I was reminded of Dr. Jennifer A. King 's blog post series on Medium called Covid-19: Our Brains, Our Bodies, Our Trauma. The fourth installment was called Part 4: Stop Scrolling .  So that's what I've done. I've stopped. On Thursday night, I turned off my smartphone.