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Showing posts from August, 2009

A Positive Attitude

As much as I would like to be a glass half full kind of person, I seem to always end up on the half empty side. I sometimes am this way with others, and am certainly this way with myself. I like to tell myself that I'm not being negative...that I'm just being "real" and "telling it like it is."  I think there are times when this is certainly true and believe we all need to hear "truth" at various moments in our lives. I also tend to be annoyed with those who seem to be positive and happy all the time. I mean, c'mon... haven't they ever had a bad day? In any case, the words below are my encouragement to be more positive.  I will try to catch myself being negative, and if I fail, if the thoughts make it all the way through my mind, then I will read the tips below to knock them right out of my head.  If, like me, you struggle to keep your glass half full, then I hope these words will also help you! Excerpt below taken from the Au